Looking for a Home?
If you’re searching for a home and none of the properties listed by CJ DelVecchio are a match, try these search sites to help find the most accurate, up-to-date available listings:
Warren Real Estate website, where you can search the MLS data for Ithaca, Elmira/Horseheads and Binghamton markets. You can save listings that you love, and request a showing of homes for sale too!
This is the Ithaca Board of Realtors website which shows the up-to-date status of properties matching your search. Note on each page, you can see if a status shows “Active” or “Active-Recall” or “Under Contract-taking backup offers.”
- “Active” means the property is available, no contingencies outstanding.
- “Active-Recall” means that the property has a ‘recall contract’ on it, which in some marketplaces is called a ‘contingency contract.’ This is when a buyer has a house to sell first, before they can move forward with the purchase of another property. Typically there’s a kick-out clause, which allows the seller to accept another offer not contingent on the sale of a house.
- The “Under Contract-taking backup offers” status means that a buyer has made an offer that was accepted by the sellers and there are other contingencies such as radon testing, home inspection and/or bank financing that are still unresolved.
Please feel free to contact CJ about further explanations on these statuses, or on any particular property you may find that you have questions for discussion.
You can search by address or zip code, or if you know a property’s MLS number, you can search for that too. This may help with cross-over areas, like Trumansburg or Dryden, where homes may be listed in more than one neighboring MLS database. They won’t tell you the under contract or pending status though, so be sure to double-check using the IthacaRealtors.com website listed above
A lot of buyers use third-party websites, like Zillow and Trulia, to search for properties. These can supplement your searching online, but buyers should be aware that a lot of the information on these websites may be outdated and especially beware of the tax data they have posted. Your Realtor can provide you with the most accurate listing data for your upcoming purchase.