
Here are some helpful rental housing facts for your rental search:

  • Over 70% of all housing in the City of Ithaca is rental housing
  • Rentals typically follow the college & university schedules – leases start June, July or August (peak renting season)
  • Short-term rentals can be hard to find
  • Realtors generally do not handle rentals in Ithaca – see the list of property managers & landlords (below)

Helpful websites for rental searches:

Ithaca-Area Rental Contacts/Landlords/Property Managers List
Feel free to contact these Ithaca-area landlords to see what properties they may offer for rent:

Company Name Specialty Phone #

Certified Properties

Property Management 607-273-1669

Cayuga Sunset Properties

Property Management
Also renting 140 Seneca Way luxury apartments

PPM Homes

Apartments and Houses For Rent 607-272-3000

Ithaca Renting Company

Apartment Rentals 607-272-3000

Travis Hyde Properties

Property Management & Rentals 607-273-1654

Solomon Properties

6 Rental Communities

Warren Wood: 257-5200
North Wood: 257-4037
Gaslight Village: 257-3311
Lansing West & Brooklane Apts: 257-5444
Candlewyck Park: 272-9206
(Call numbers
on the left)

Ithaca Living Solutions

Apartments and Houses For Rent 607-257-0383

Kimball Real Estate

Apartment Complexes: University Park Apts,
Carriage House, Westbourne Apts, more

Lifestyle Properties

Apartments and Houses For Rent 607-280-7660

West Shore Apartments

East Hill & Lakefront rentals 607-273-7368

Renting Ithaca

Apartment Rentals application online at link

Phil White Jr.

Apartments and Houses For Rent 607-273-1560

Kinga Thomas

Apartments and Houses For Rent 607-342-7385

Joe Daley

Apartments and Houses For Rent 607-273-0824

Barrett Properties

East Hill Duplexes/Townhouses 607-272-5296
 Greg or Sandra Seneca Lake Vacation Rental:

<see link>

Thinking of Buying instead of Renting?

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